Hello, my dear beginner!

Thank you for choosing to learn with me - I’m truly honored.

No matter your age or gender, I'm thrilled to welcome anyone with a passion for learning and creating beauty. Perhaps you've already heard of the marvellous tool known as the Luneville hook but are unsure how to use it. No worries! Together, we'll go step by step so you can start crafting enchanting embroideries for yourself and others. I can't wait to embark on this creative journey with you!


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    1. Instrukcija/ Instruction/ Инструкция

    2. Mobilā lietotne/ Mobile app/ Мобильное приложение

    1. 1. Auduma iestiepšana izšūšanas rāmī.

    2. 2. Lunevilles āķa sagatavošana darbam.

    3. 3. Zīmējuma pārnešana uz bāzes audumu.

    4. 4. Lunevilles āķa darbības princips.

    5. 5. Pamatdūriens ar Lunevilles āķi.

    6. 6. Stūri un pērlīšu piešūšana.

    7. 7. Izšūšana ar fliteriem.

    8. 8. Ordeņa izšūšana/Pirmā daļa.

    9. 9. Ordeņa izšūšana/ Otrā daļa.

    10. 10. Ordeņa izšūšana/ Trešā daļa.

    1. Let's start!

    2. 1. Securing the base into the embroidery frame.

    3. 2. Preparing the Luneville hook for work.

    4. 3. Transferring the design onto the base.

    5. 4. The working principle of the Luneville hook.

    6. 5. Basic stitch with Luneville hook.

    7. 6. Corners and embroidering with beads.

    8. 7. Embroidering with sequins.

    9. 8. Embroidering the Order/ Part 1.

    10. 9. Embroidering the Order/ Part 2.

    11. 10. Embroidering the Order/ Part 3.

    1. Начинаем!

    2. 1. Крепление базы в раму для вышивки.

    3. 2. Подготовка Люневильского крючка к работе.

    4. 3. Перенос рисунка на базу.

    5. 4. Принцип работы Люневильского крючка.

    6. 5. Основной стежок Люневильским крючком.

    7. 6. Углы и вышивка бисером.

    8. 7. Вышивка пайетками.

    9. 8. Вышивка Ордена/ Часть 1.

    10. 9. Вышивка Ордена/ Часть 2.

    11. 10. Вышивка Ордена/ Часть 3.

    1. Nobeiguma darbs/ Finishing work/ Финальная работа

  • €65,00
  • 10 lessons
This is not my first course for beginners. Since the course I created in 2016, many of my students have successfully learned embroidery skills and are now working in the industry. Over time, I decided to update and expand the course as my experience has grown. The course lessons combine materials from 2016 and newly filmed content. In the first seven lessons, we will go through the basics step by step. In the last three lessons, we will embroider one Order design together. There will also be an independent project. Once you have done it, you will receive a certificate. And yes, I will always be there to support you!